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Inheritance Law

The number of transnational inheritance cases has increased noticeably in the last few years. Cases become particularly complicated when the testator has both German and Turkish citizenship and property in both countries comes into play. In these cases, even highly experienced lawyers can have problems dealing with the different courts responsible in different countries, where different legal systems can be applicable simultaneously. Usually, clearly and thoroughly prepared legal texts are helpful, such as a last will and testament or an inheritance contract which are written before the inheritance case takes effect and are valid in both countries.

We counsel our clients in all matters regarding asset transfers and succession plans. In Germany, too.

  RUMPF RECHTSANWÄLTE | Lenzhalde 68 | 70192 Stuttgart | Fon: +49 711 997 977 0 | Fax +49 711 997 977 20 | info@rumpf-legal.com